Edo 2024 Guber: A Group in UK Endorse Uhomoibhi For Governor.

 Edo 2024 Guber: A Group in UK Endorse Uhomoibhi For Governor.

Esan Community in Manchester, ECM, United Kingdom, has endorsed Ambassador Dr. Chief Martin Ihoeghian Uhomoibhi to contest for the Edo state Governorship position come 2024.

The endorsement of Ambassador Uhomoibhi was made in a recent gathering the group tagged "Family Day Celebration" they held in Manchester recently.

The President of the group, Mr. Christian Ogbekhiulu, made this known in Manchester, United Kingdom in the family meeting party that was held in honour of Ambassador Uhomoibhi.

Speaking, Mr. Ogbekhiulu who described Ambassador Uhomoibhi as an exceptional Ambassador said; 'Ambassador Uhomoibhi has brought unparalleled development to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is one of the reasons why we are endorsing him to contest for the position of Edo state Governor in the coming 2024 Edo gubernatorial election.

Continuing, Mr. Ogbekhiulu said; '... again, as a result of Ambassador Martin Uhomoibhi's intimidating resume in the Foreign Service, his academic exploits as well as his achievements in education and other Infrastructural development in Esan land, amongst others, we consider him fit to govern Edo state...'

'...if he can achieve all he has achieved for the people with his personal resources and connections, then he will do very well if given the opportunity to manage the affairs of Edo state...' The President said.

Speaking on the person of Ambassador Uhomoibhi, a member of the group, Mr. Franz Okoemu said; '...we believe in Ambassador Uhomoibhi, we trust that he can deliver immense benefit for Edo people. He demonstrated his ability to deliver during his service in the Foreign Ministry. We support him without any reservation'.

Dr. Uhomoibhi graduated from the University of Ibadan in 1976 with a Bachelor's degree in History. He holds a Masters degree in History and Political Science from the University of Ibadan and a D. Phil. in Modern History and International Relations from Oxford University, UK.

Amb. Dr. Martin Uhomoibhi, the President and Founder, of The Pan African Institute for Global Affairs and Strategy (PAIGAS), was the Chairman, Presidential Committee on the Review of Number and Strategy for Resourcing Nigeria's Diplomatic Missions Worldwide, between October 2022 and April 2023.

Dr. Uhomoibhi started his diplomatic career in 1984 when he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a Senior First Secretary. He held several positions during his service years in the Foreign Service, and he is the Chairman of the Academic Advisory Committee of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, NIPSS, Kuru Jos; the position he held from October 2022 till date.

He was the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General in charge of the African Union and United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Darfur, Sudan.

He was a Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the longest-serving Permanent Secretary of the Ministry since its establishment in 1957. He served as Ambassador of Nigeria to Switzerland and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva. He also served a one-year term as President of the Human Rights Council. 

Worthy of note is the fact that he is the first African to have held that exulted United Nations position.

He was President of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO).

Ambassador Uhomoibhi was a Lecturer in Diplomatic and African History at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and currently a visiting Lecturer to three Universities; Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo state, Veritas University and Baze University, both in Abuja.

The Esan-born Ambassador of international repute, is The Onosejele of Esan Land, and The Onosetale of Ewatto Kingdoms. These Chieftaincy titles were conferred on him by the Ojirrua of Irrua, Okaijesan of Esanland and the Onojie of Ewatto respectively. Ambassador Uhomoibhi is also the Dan Majen Koko (The Bridge Builder) of Gwandu Emirate Kebbi.

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