Edo Guber 2024: Group Calls On Critical Stakeholders To Support Esanland

Edo Guber 2024: Group calls on Critical Stakeholders To Support Esanland

By: Our Reporter

Esan New Era, a socio-Cultural group, that is made up of prominent Esan sons and daughters drawn from the Political class, Academia, Business and Religious groups, has joined the array of individuals and groups that are clamouring for the emergence of an Edo governor of Esan extraction. 

In a Press conference that held on Saturday, 22nd April, at Prestige Hotel, Benin city, the group said, for Equity, Fairness and Justice and for the peaceful coexistence of Edo people, there is the need for Esanland, that is politically delineated as Edo central Senatorial district, to produce the next governor of Edo state, saying, Esanland at different times, had supported both Edo North and Edo South to actualise the emergence of a governor from those Senatorial districts. It is therefore not out of place, the group maintained, if the other two Senatorial districts should in the spirit of oneness, also Support an Edo central individual to emerge as the governor of Edo state.

In the Press statement issued by the group, and signed by the General Secretary and Executive Organising Secretary of the group, Pastor Christopher Onoye and Valentine Uduebor respectively, the group appealed to all the major Political Parties in Edo state, to zone their 2024 governorship ticket to Edo central Senatorial district, assuring that, Esanland have people with integrity, intellect and capacity to move Edo state forward.

The statement reads in part; 'it is in light of all these, that we are appealing to all the major Political Parties in Edo state, to zone their 2024 governorship tickets to Edo central Senatorial district'.

'we assure you that we have people with integrity, intellect and capacity to move our state forward as governor'.

Another member of the group, Rt. Hon. Gabriel Oiboh, a former Member of the House of Representatives, who represented Esan West/Esan Central/Igueben Federal Constituency, also spoke during the Press briefing. 

Rt. Hon. Oiboh said; '...since 1999 when this dispensation began, an Esan man hasn't really gotten the opportunity to govern this state, apart from when Professor Osahermen Osunbor was the governor for just eighteen months, as he was removed by the court.'

Continuing, Hon. Gabriel Oiboh said; 'some people are of the opinion that we must get the best person to become the governor, after Mr. Godwin Obaseki's administration, yes, what we are saying, is that, we are getting the best person from Esanland, as there are several capable men and women of Esan extraction who are eminently capable.'

Prince Emmanuel Odijie, one of the members of the group, appealed to all Edo men, women, youths, Political parties as well as all the stakeholders to massively support Edo central Senatorial district to produce the governor for Edo state come 2024, just as Edo central did for the other Senatorial districts in time past. 

Valentine Uduebor, the Executive Organising Secretary of the group, cited the good example that was displayed by the governors of Northern Nigeria, when they massively supported the President elect in the last Presidential election, saying; '...that is the spirit of oneness that every Edo person should display come 2024 governorship election...' 

With this Press conference held by Esan New Era, the political climate in Edo state is gradually building up ahead of 2024 governorship election.

Other members of the group present at the Press conference, include, Mr. Osifoh Daniel, Hon. Eugene Okoloise, Hon. Abu Okoloise, amongst others.

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