Edo Agenda 2024: Group To Hold National Press Conference

Edo Agenda 2024: Group To hold National Press Conference

By: Oriaifoh Godwins

As Edo Central Senatorial district agitates for the emergence of Edo Governor of Esan extraction come 2024, a group under the appellation “Esan New Era for Esan 4EdoGovernor2024”, will be holding a National Press Conference that is aimed at harmonizing the holistic resolve of Edo central to produce Edo state Governor by 2024.

Speaking with a team of Journalists in Benin on Monday, April 16, 2023, the Organising Secretary of the group, Mr. Valentine Uduebor, said; ‘Esanland, Politically delineated as Edo central, has been supporting Edo North and Edo South over the years, to secure the position of the governor; it is now time for the two senatorial districts to also support Edo central so that come 2024, Edo governor of Esan extraction can emerge.’

Continuing, Mr. Uduebor said; ‘since 1999 to date, Edo central has only been able to occupy the position of the governor of Edo state for 18 months. 

For Equity Fairness, Justice and peaceful coexistence, Esan land, as the third ethnic/tribe of Edo State, should rightfully be accorded the opportunity to occupy the position of the Governor come 2024.'


With respect to whether any godfather, group, or political party has an anointed candidate waiting to be crowned as the next governor of Edo state, Mr. Uduebor responded by saying; ‘Edo central have a good number of well groomed, academically sound, financially intelligent people that have the capacity and experience for managing people and resources. These Esan individuals have distinguished themselves in their various chosen professions, therefore, anointing anyone of them just like that, is a very difficult task.’ He added that;…all I can say for now, is that, a number of them are showing interest either through their proxies, or directly by themselves; but, eventually, the very best of them will be supported after following all the due processes.


Mr. Uduebor said the National Press Conference is scheduled to hold in Benin, at the Prestige Hotel reception Hall in GRA, on Saturday, 22nd April 2023, by 1:00pm.

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