John Oyegun Civil Service Academy, a Brilliant Concept

 John Oyegun Civil Service Academy, a Brilliant Concept

  ...must be sustained

-Amb. Uhomoibhi

By: Oriaifoh Godwins

A former Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who was also at a time, the Undersecretary General of the United Nations, Ambassador Prof. Martin Ihoeghian Uhomoibhi, OFR, the foremost Edo 2024 governorship aspirant, has described the recently commissioned John Odigie Oyegun Public Service Academy, as an Academy that will be pivotal in transforming Edo state, saying; '... Public Service Academy, such as the one that is being commissioned today, is the engine House of governance in a state. It is a very brilliant concept.'

Ambassador Professor Uhomoibhi said this in Benin on Saturday, 11th August 2023 while responding to questions from a team of Journalists at the official commisining of John Odigie Oyegun Public Service Academy in Benin, Edo state.

Continuing, Ambassador Professor Uhomoibhi said, if the Academy is properly conceptualised, and the right paradigm put in place to achieve government policies and objectives, the John Odigie Oyegun Public Service Academy, will be a model Academy for other states in Nigeria.

Ambassador Uhomoibhi, who described the Academy as, 'epochal and key' to transforming Edo state Civil Service into a functional establishment, added that; '... from what I saw during the commissioning, in term of structure and the concept behind it, I think Edo state government is on the right path. However, what is key, is the sustainability which in my opinion, must be a priority...' 

Asked what should be done to guarantee the sustainability of the Academy, Ambassador Professor Uhomoibhi said; ' way to do that, is to support the Academy with a legal framework that must pass through the state House of Assembly, and must be guided by the Rule of Law, so that the continuity can be guaranteed.

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