By Henry J

By 24th April 2024 when the window of Campaign Will be uneveiled,  the temperature of the race of Edo Gubernatorial election would have risen to a boiling point. 

Already, the drum of 'war' is gradually gathering momentum.

The politicians have started subtle consultations, threats and boasting, testing the waters and building bridges, with alliances and re-alignment of forces in full swing preparatory to full blown campaigns. 

The social media, the safest organ for spreading all manners of political mischief with little or no danger of facing libel charges is now awash with all shades of concocted stories designed to promote various interests of political parties of choice and the political gladiators. 

The "Take Over Edo’’ slogan of the APC has continued to dominate conversations amongst party faithful though with no visible efforts to make it a reality. 

"We must project and support our own, that knows us and that we know, not one that is forced on us under any colouration."

The PDP too is not relenting in her determination to retain political control of the state by pushing the war into the territory of the APC through direct attack on the APC-led federal government believed to be responsible for the hardship in Nigeria. 

 The intrigues are mind-boggling.

In all of these, just as I asked prior to the 2024 Edo Gubernatorial polls, the question still remains: Where does Esan interest lie?   

Politics as the practicing politicians would say; "...is all about interest..." 

Individual and group interests determine and impel people and groups into making choices during elections. 

In most cases politicians define the interest of their ethnic groups with the lens of their individual and party interest creating a mix up of political focus and intractable conundrum.

Politics being a game of number has always been played in saner climes to the utmost benefit and advantage of the majority. But can we say the same thing about what obtains in our clime?

Where the minority attempts to lord it over the majority, there are always consequences which pose serious dangers in the polity. 

My major duty here is to lay all the cards on the table for our people to understand the inherent dangers associated with any of the options before us.

I shall go into further details in due course but suffice it to say at this juncture that for Esan to regain her lost place in the politics of Edo state, we have to take some hard decisions, make informed choices devoid of sentiments and selfish considerations. 

We must project and support our own, that knows us and that we know, not one that is forced on us under any colouration.

But on this course, because I have always loved to be glaring in the scheme of things and would like to validate the candidacy of SENATOR MONDAY OKPEBHOLO AS AGAINST THAT OF ASUE IGHODALO.

My stance is hinged on the axiology of my value preference and would rather we look inward and evaluate our preference to embrace the validity that would turn out as best in accordance to what we seek of the would-be Edo Governor of Esan extraction.

Maybe, subsequently, the yardstick for the choices we make would be made open, but in the interim I speak persuasively pending when we shall come on the ring to project the potential preference of he who the cap will suitably fit.

Henry J.


  1. Which of the candidate is not imposed,was it the general of edo people that nominated them.does asked track record show as someone obaseki can push around,please let's asses individual by track record.

  2. He is saying all this trash for the foolish one he can convince with this nonsense statement, like he said it all about selfish interest, all your write up is base on your candidate you are supporting, people we rather give their votes to ighodalo than the APC politicians that will come and play politics with us and go back to Abuja.

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