EDO 2024 GUBER: Esan Okpa Initiative, Aims At Promoting Unity Of Esanland

 EDO 2024 GUBER:

Esan Okpa Initiative, Aims At Promoting Unity Of Esanland 

           -Amb. UHOMOIBHI

By: Oriaifoh Godwins

The foremost Edo 2024 gubernatorial aspirant, Ambassador Dr. Martin Ihoeghian Uhomoibhi, OFR, a first class Foreign Diplomat, has described the meeting held by Esan Okpa Initiative, EOI, at the Protea Hotel, in Benin, on Sunday, 9th July, 2023, as; '...very appropriate and very relevant initiative at this time, given the flurry of aspirants from Esanland alone, for the 2024 Governorship election'.

Continuing, Ambassador Uhomoibhi said, the purpose of the meeting, as clearly stated by the Chairman of the group, is to ensure that, Esan stand together as one; he added that, the Chairman also made it clear that Esan Okpa Initiative, is not partisan, saying; '...indeed, the conduct, the manner and the content of what has transpired so far, has been totally objective, and non partisan, and entirely focused on ensuring that Esan put their best foot forward for the 2024 Edo governorship election...'

When asked of the chances of the upcoming Edo gubernatorial selection process not to be flawed by whatever sentiment, Ambassador Dr. Uhomoibhi, who commended the people behind the initiative, said; '...even as a country, we are only 60 years as a nation, and democracy is not built overnight...'

 '...the Initiative of the Esan Okpa group, is a further catalyst for us to do things even better, and it is aimed at ensuring that there is less acrimony, less divisions and disunity. All the aspirants will understand that this is the wind that is blowing, and we have to be part of the process, as the chances are high...'

'... this initiative will have a positive impact to bring out the best for Esan land and for Edo State come 2024'. Ambassador Uhomoibhi concluded.

Esan Okpa Initiative, EOI, is a socio-cultural, non partisan organisation that has been engaging prominent political and influential leaders in Edo State, with respect to lobbying critical stakeholders, especially those from Edo North and Edo south to key into  "Edo Agenda" for the emergence of Edo governor of Esan extraction come 2024.

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