Washington Osa Osifo, PhD. 

June 12 was excitedly and most deservingly celebrated as democracy day in  Nigeria. It is remembered as the darkest day in the long tortuous journey to our current democratic experience. Nigeria must alongside, mark other dark spots inflicted on our democracy with frenzied demonism by anti democratic opportunists in positions of power. One of such is the cold hearted refusal by Mr. Godwin Obaseki, Governor of Edo State, to set up the inauguration of the 2019 members elect of Edo State House of Assembly as constitutionally required. 

While the details of the entire episode need not detain us, a recapitulation will be necessary. The House Of Assembly election was held on Saturday March 19, 2019 and members- elect waited for their inauguration into the 7th Assembly of the House in the State. On June 16, 2019, Members-elect addressed a Press Conference calling on the Governor to facilitate the act of making the proclamation for the inauguration of members of the 7th Assembly. The following day, June 17, seven casually attired members-elect, perceived to be loyalists of the Governor were in a commando movie style huddled into the chambers of the House of Assembly to mimic an inauguration exercise as late as 9.30pm in the night. The following day, June 18, members-elect strongly pushed for their inauguration haven been duly elected and condemned the sham of the previous night. In response, the Governor angrily deployed a band of thugs to attack them physically in Golden Tulip Hotel, Benin City resulting to bodily harm, broken limbs, pains and sorrow as testimony to the viciousness and brutality of the attack. The point to underline is the fact that the Governor refused to do the needful to inaugurate a total of fourteen members-elect and ran the government of Edo State with ten minority members of the House in last four years, in spite of its apparent illegality in face of the Nigerian constitution. 

 It will be recalled that Mr. Obaseki assumed office as Governor on November 12, 2016, on the heels of the superlative infrastructures performance of his predecessor, Comrade Adams Aliyu Oshiomhole. The people were upbeat and suffused with confidence in the man wrongly described as the engine room of Oshiomhole’s administration. It was expected that he would with the same spirit of alacrity galvanize human and material resources to raise the pace of development and take Edo State to greater heights. But as soon he assumed office, hope and confidence that heralded his administration thinned out and vanished in no time. It was replaced by a thick stench of toxicity and poison oozing around him. The political environment suddenly became tense and unwelcoming. With unfamiliar sinews and a firm unbreakable grip on the levers of power and authority, Obaseki’s voice rang out like a military dictator. First, he issued a stern warning to politicians to steer clear of Government House and told his party members that no one was welcome unless the purpose was clearly stated in the visitors form introduced at the gate. For several months, he became completely incommunicado. He would not pick any call, reply a message nor reach out to anyone. He left no one in doubt that the government had been personalized and privatized. There was complete disconnection with the party and the people!

The invasion of the hallowed chambers of the legislature at such an odd time on June 17, 2019, and the merciless attack by a band of thugs on members -elect at Golden Tulip Hotel was only a part of a well articulated plan not to tolerate any opposition but to subdue and dominate the other arms of government by the Governor. He had no pretenses about his lack of democratic persuasion and most unwilling to learn the acts of debate, negotiation and compromise. With the legislature under his sledgehammer, the voice of Edo people was silenced. And democracy was murdered! And so, for the past seven years, Edo State groaned under the weight of an iron fisted elected dictator and no sector of the society, high or low, have been spared his sledgehammer. The victims are silently leaking their wounds and bruises with a sense of humiliation!

The excitement of June 12 democracy day celebration is still in the air. In reality, it calls for sober reflection of the journey so far. Nigerians must summon the courage needed to deal ruthlessly with the black spots on the canvas of our recent democratic experience. First, the National Assembly must never be found wanting when duty calls to defend and protect democracy anywhere in Nigeria. It is a sacred duty on the institution of the legislature at the highest level to intervene swiftly as a matter of national interest.

The duty to interpret the constitution is the exclusive reserve of the judiciary. Never again will Nigeria judiciary suddenly develop clay feet when the weak calls on her to intervene in constitutional disputes. The way and manner the judiciary has delayed and denied the then fourteen members-elect access to justice so far on this matter is unprecedented and unflattering. However, our confidence in the judiciary as the bastion and defender of democracy remain high and we shall not relent in the pursuit of justice on the matter in the interest of Nigerian democracy. What happened to Edo State House of Assembly in 2019 must not be legitimized and should never be repeated in any State of our federation. The judiciary must carefully interpret the questions framed for her attention according to law thereby advance the course of democracy. 


We are excited and inspired that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu enjoy high reputation as a dedicated democrat who fought and made huge sacrifice for the attainment of the current democratic dispensation. There is no iota of doubt in our minds that he will not hesitate to deploy the powers at his disposal to defend democracy and the erosion of democratic practice any where in Nigeria.

Democracy upholds the rights and dignity of the people. To safeguard it, the people must not be afraid of government. They should vigorously challenge and engage people entrusted with power. We call on Nigerians to speak and raise their voices against any attempt to erode undermine democratic norms and practices anywhere in Nigeria. Injury to democracy in one part is a threat to democracy in another! The corrupt populist autocracy shelf life in Edo State is ticking away. The model must not be propagated anywhere in Nigeria again!

With the inauguration of the 8th Edo Assembly on the 16th of June, 2023, it's good bye to the 7th Edo Assembly that came but never berthed. Farewell in practice, but never in spirit. 

Again, we must be reminded that evil has its retribution, it is a matter of when, not whether. 

This is my closing remark.

Washington Osa Osifo, PhD.

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