57years old man caught defiling a 10years old

 57years old man caught defiling a 10years old girl... Says, little girls are his favorite

A 57 years old man, Mr. Obieze Chidi, who lives in Egbena Ozobulu in Ekwusigo local government area of Anambra state was arrested on Wednesday, ..........and has confessed to the fact that he enjoys having sex with little girls than with older women.

According to him, in a video that is currently trending online, he has been indulging in the act of defiling little girls for about 10years.

Mr. Chidi was caught in the act by the community youths in Oraifite, a neighbouring community to Ozobulu.the youths tied him up, paraded him in public, to shame him. Mr Chidi however pleaded for mercy and forgiveness and promised never to involve in such act again.

When contacted, the Spokesman of the Anambra state Police Command, DSP Ikenga Tochukwu, said he is yet to be briefed on the incident.

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